Butterfingers Dessert

This recipe just came in the mail printed on a flyer from Sanford pens (of all things), and since Butterfingers rank up there with Heath Bars as my favorite candy bars, it looks delicious to me!*

*Health Warning - not for those conscious about sugar, fat or cholesterol :-)

Butterfingers Dessert

1 pkg Angel Food cake mix
1 stick butter or margarine
2 cups powdered sugar
4 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla
3-4 lg Butterfinger candy bars, crushed
8 oz whipped topping

Prepare cake and bake according to directions. Cool cake and cut into bite-sized pieces and set aside.

Cream butter and sugar together. Add yolks one at a time beating in between each addition. Add vanilla. Fold in whipped topping.

In a large glass serving bowl, layer 1/3 of cake pieces, 1/3 whipped topping mix and 1/3 Butterfinger pieces. Repeat twice ending with Butterfinger pieces. Chill before serving.

J. Gayle


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