Getting Nasty People to Move Away without Harm

Getting Nasty People to Move Away without Harm

I thought I told you about that years ago? I am so sorry. It is a thing my mother-in-law taught me. It worked wonderfully for her in the late 70s.

Get some dirt off the oldest grave you can. The older, the more powerful. A tablespoon is fine. You can hide it in a plant or other item. The idea is to get them to take it into the house if at all possible. In a pinch, sprinkle a bit at the doors.

My mother-in-law kept at it until she got a neighbor she liked. This is a non-violent, non-harmful way to get the piece of human-poop to move. The nasty people may not take to the "magic". It makes people restless and have an urge to move. The home becomes uncomfortable, if that makes sense.


If I remember correctly, powdered mullen can be used as a substitute for graveyard dirt.


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