Fried Coffee

Note: This is listed under "beverages" and "coffee", though we are not quite sure ;)

Fried Coffee
Yeah, fried coffee.

You make a pot of very strong coffee, then pour the dregs into a small frying pan. Depending on your coffee consumption you might have do collect a couple of days' worth. Do not refrigerate or cover.

When you have an inch or two of coffee in the pan, put it over high heat and reduce it to half its volume. Pour into a cup and add either sugar or molasses, depending on mood. Do not leave your spoon in the brew unless you like your spoons to dissolve.

This was a specialty, so to speak, of my Dad's and was not for the faint of heart. Goes well with them cold baked beans though.

Catspaw, heading off to Fall Fiber Festival


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*Some have left the list. Some have died.
*There are no photos and there may not ever be any.
*This is not a recipe "book" geared to those who cannot cook without someone holding their hand.
*The blog owner and list members who posted the recipes are not responsible for the recipes or their content. Spoons do not make you fat.
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