Onion Tart

Onion Tart

Mary had written: I took an onion tart to Cummington last year, and it quickly disappeared. This got the reply of: Please share this recipe. I love anything with onions and this sounds intriguing.

Winging it a bit, which is how I tend to cook. Can't remember if this what I did exactly, but if I were going to bake it right now:

Make a single crust pie crust; or even a larger one, if you want to use a pizza pan. I think I made a single crust. I probably made it with olive oil, or olive and canola. I think I baked it half way. A cream cheese crust would work well too.

For the topping, and you should probably make the topping while the pie-crust is chilling in the fridge, thinly slice a lot of onions. Maybe 3 or 4 good sized onions. Sauté in olive oil (don't need extra virgin, just a decent 100% olive oil), and cook them down until they're nice an mushy. Add some thyme, salt and pepper if you like, and sliced calamata olives. Let it mellow awhile, even with the lid on the pot.

Spread the topping on the pie crust and bake until done.



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