Cheese Potatoes

Cheese Potatoes

1 (2-lb) bag of hash brown potatoes
   (I've found that shredded work better but the square cut are good too)
1/4 lb butter, melted
   (I have found you can omit most of the butter, just use enough to pour over cornflakes)
1/2 tsp salt (I don't use any)
1/2 tsp pepper (don't use any of this either, lol)
1 pt. of sour cream
   (I use a 16 oz container, an dhave tried low and no fat sour cream too)
1/2 cup chopped onion
   (I use a whole smaller onion and sauté it before mixing with the other ingredients, then the onions are sure not to stay crunchy)
1 can cream chicken soup
2 cups (8 oz) shredded cheddar cheese
Corn Flakes ( I crush mine a little bit)

Thaw hash browns. Mix together hash browns, butter, and all other ingredients.

Put in a 9"x13" ungreased pan. Mix 2 cups of cornflakes and some left over butter and sprinkle on top. Bake at 350°F for 1 hour.

O.K. So I have changed the recipe a bit over the years. LOL. But it is always a good dish to make. And it takes a pretty large bowl to mix it in. :^)

Marie J.


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