Pecan Tartlets (a theoretical, dreamed dessert idea)

Pecan Tartlets (a theoretical, dreamed dessert idea)

An exchange and approximate recipe from Steph (in response to Sylvia), 6/21/01 and 7/2/01:
"I want to make little tartlets as one of the desserts for the party Saturday. Is there something yummy with pecans that is not 'pecan pie'? Maybe a pecan/fruit thing? Cherries? What d'yall think?"

Pecans, caramel and chocolate in pre-baked filo dough shells.
And maybe a shot of brandy just before serving.

I was concocting in my head, sort of swirling flavors and textures around.

I'd bake the filo dough shells in muffin pans until golden brown. And make up an egg/ custard with dark chocolate. Usual ratio of 1 egg to 1 cup of milk. Maybe a half cup of semi sweet chocolate bits. Again done in a greased custard cup the same size as the muffin pan. And filled just a scant 1 inch deep.

After filo dough was cool and custard was cool, slide cooled custard into cups. Do this just before dinner is served so the dough doesn't get sodden.

I'd take a non-stick pan and put like 3 tbsp butter and 1/2 cup brown sugar in it and heat over low heat until just thickened, add 1 cup of pecans and chase the pecans through the brown sugar caramel. Spoon on top of custard. Just before serving splash with l tsp brandy.

As you have probably deduced, I haven't made this dessert. Only dreamed it. But I think it would work. Maybe I should serve it to Sylvia when she comes and we can see if it works out. (Did Mikey like it?) No as I recall Syl is sensitive to pecans. Oh shoot, I'll have to eat them all!



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