Robin's Ginger Cole Slaw

Robin's Ginger Cole Slaw

1/2 head cabbage, green or purple, shredded
2 carrots, grated
1 raw beet, grated (mostly for color)
2" piece of ginger, finely minced
about 1/2 cup currants or raisins
2 handfuls raw sunflower seeds
a bit of salt
either a little honey or a little sugar (tsp. or so)
a sprinkling of celery seed
a grinding of pepper
either a tbsp super-finely minced onion or a dash of onion salt
about a teaspoon prepared horseradish
enough mayonnaise to moisten the above--about 3 big blops

Mix it up.

Eat. (But let it sit for a while so the ginger flavor can intensify.)



Or, instead of fresh ginger use crystallized, cut in slices and soak in just enough white wine to cover - for at least an hour. Then mince, and add ginger and wine to the mix.

The wine from ginger done the above way will also enliven thawed and drained frozen shrimp to a fresh taste. You can mix only the wine with the shrimp or add the ginger too. For a wonderful shrimp
cocktail, add a drained, small can of asparagus pieces, blend gently, and put a dollop of caviar on top with a wisp of fresh dill to cap it all. Serve with champagne or a nice chardonnay (can you believe that my speller doesn't know how to spell chardonnay? It does now!).



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