Challa Bread Pudding

Challa Bread Pudding

Tear a loaf of challa into bits.  (If you have it every week, you can save the half from one Friday night to blend with the half from the next Friday night. It is also an excellent place to dispose of stale dinner rolls, buns, bread ends, etc.  The only thing that has ever failed has been bagels.  When I catered, we used stale croissant.)

Mix 2 cups of milk with four eggs (if cholesterol bothers you, call a cardiologist vbg)

Add 1/2 cup sugar OR 1/4 cup honey OR 1/4 cup maple syrup (the tree kind) and 2 tsp vanilla.

Pour the egg mixture, beaten, over the bread bits, mix around until all liquid is absorbed.  Turn into a greased 8" by 8" pan.

At this point, you can put it in the fridge so that it can be baked in the morning, or pop it straight into a 350°F oven.  If it has been refrigerated, bake for 45 min.  If straight in, usually 30 -35 min.

Mmm, tasty.
Laura in ALameda, CA


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