Quantity Sausage Gravy

Quantity Sausage Gravy

I've made quantity gravy in a large saucepan, instead of a skillet, like you'd make a basic white sauce.

Fry up the sausage loose if it's gonna be mixed in with the gravy or served on top.  Remove the sausage from the skillet and measure the grease.

Proportions are 1-1/2 tablespoons grease, same amount of flour, and 1 cup milk, salt and pepper to taste.

If you have more grease than you want to make gravy, just use part of it.  Use some of the milk to de-glaze the skillets the sausage was cooked in, to get all those tasty brown bits. 

Combine the grease and flour in a large enough pan so you won't have to worry much about hot milk boil-over.  Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes after it starts to bubble. Whisking all the while, add in the milk.  Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened.  How long this will be depends on how much gravy you are making. You might want to do it in batches.

Mix in the sausage or sprinkle it on top.



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