Pickled Garlic

Pickled Garlic
Makes 2 pints

Tested and loved by the resident garlic-holic. *vbg* The next batch, I am going to try roasting the garlic first, for that lovely roasted flavor.

2 cups distilled White Vinegar
2 tbsp Salt
2 pounds fresh Garlic

  • Put the vinegar and salt in a non-corrosive saucepan. Bring to a boil and boil 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.
  • Separate the garlic cloves and blanch for 5-7 minutes to remove the skin.
  • Put the garlic in a saucepan and cover with boiling water. Allow to remain for 1 minute and drain.
  • Arrange in sterilized jars; pour in the vinegar and seal/process in a canner. I do 15 minutes, for our elevation. I believe 10 minutes will do it in the flatlands. Go by your canning book instructions.
  • Keep jars in a cool, dry place and let sit for 1 month before eating.

After opening, a jar will keep in the fridge forever. So.... a day, the way we eat it. *vbg*

Substitute flavored vinegar(s).
Add herbs to the vinegar solution.
Add a touch of sugar if you like sweet garlic.
Roasting garlic instead of blanching as called for.



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