DIY Treating Bunny and Chicken Mites

DIY Treating Bunny and Chicken Mites

For bunny ear mites, I used to use plain vegetable oil, about 1/2 tsp per ear on the 3-3-3 plan: once per day for three days; once every other day for three times; and once a week for three weeks.

I treated all the rabbits in the rabbitry about twice a year and never had an ear mite problem.

For chicken feather mites, put some diatomaceous earth in a box on the floor and let the chickens "dust" themselves in it; or hold the chickens upside down by the legs (gently!) and sprinkle dust into the feathers.

For chicken leg mites, paint the roosts with oil (motor oil will do) to get the mites that are hiding there, and use oil on the chicken's legs (just wipe it on). I used vegetable oil on the legs. The oil smothers the mites.

Annabel -- used to be a parasitologist


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