How to Cook Wild Turkey Breast from Mary

How to Cook Wild Turkey Breast from Mary

Here's what we did with a wild turkey breast. Can't get much leaner than that. I guess for your goose, I don't think I'd roast it whole. Maybe a braised treatment, still keeping it rare, browning a bit at the end after rubbing with butter and sprinkling on some flour.

Anyway, here's how we did turkey breast: floured, then dipped in beaten egg, then grated parmesan cheese, and/or shredded veggies, like onion/carrot/celery, shredded extremely thin.

This is what we did with a wild turkey breast: maybe both the veggies and the parmesan cheese. Roasted carefully, until the juices were just the palest of pink, when the breast was pierced with a skewer used for stuffing.

Boneless breast, wrapped in bacon, grilled until rare.

Sounds delicious however you cook it.



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