Glazed Turnips and Turnips with Carrots Recipes

Glazed Turnips and Turnips with Carrots Recipes

I'm speaking of purple-tops and like here, not rutabagas/Swedes...

Choose the smallest, firmest turnips. Pare down past the thin line a bit under the skin to cut down on bitterness.

Here's how my grandmother prepared them, and it's one of my favorite ways:

Cut about a pound or so of pared turnips in wedges or chunks. Cook in a bit of broth or water until *barely* tender. Drain and return to pan with a tablespoon or so of butter and a sprinkling of sugar. Cook, stirring gently, til turnips are glazed. Serve cooked turnip greens separately. Garnish with crumbled crisp bacon if desired.

Other way: Cook equal parts of turnips and carrots til very tender. Drain and mash, adding butter and honey to taste, and a dash of nutmeg. This is traditional Thanksgiving fare in my family. Puree any leftovers and dilute with broth to serve as soup the next day.


I love them, but no one else seems to, except my SO's mother.

Last Thanksgiving I made a dish in which thickly-cut turnips were layered alternately with thickly-cut sweet potatoes, lots of butter, cream and parmesan cheese, and the lot was finished with a fresh breadcrumb topping and baked.

Yum yum yum.

Yes! I love that dish! I think the turnips take the edge off the sweetness of sweet potatoes.

Another layer thing (less fattening), irish taters and turnips, with garlic, green onions and low-fat yogurt in-between, great to those of us who like the "bitter thing" There are varieties of turnips that are not so gross tasting as the standard purple, white egg, toykyo cross, and american purple top yellow.



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