Deskunking Tips and Hints

My poor little black and tan dachsie got a full-on (skunk) spray to the eye this spring. I also wholeheartedly recommend the non-tomato-juice solution.

Depending on how big your dog is, this is the best method I found to deploy it: squirt the Dawn (and my vet was specific on the brand... hey, if you can use it on fleeces, why not?) into a glass or bowl, add a bunch of baking soda, then add the hydrogen peroxide til it's a paste.

Paint it on the poor pup and let it sit for 20 minutes. (All of this, in our house, was done in the bathtub, not that it mattered, as my darling boy had already let her run in the house and SOAK the carpet, the Nature's Miracle stuff came in handy for that spot!). Rinse, repeat. And repeat. And repeat.

On a funny note, Miss Anezka (the dog) now has reddish highlights on her (long-haired) ears from the peroxide. Fashion model!



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