Maggie's Oven Fries

Maggie's Oven Fries

Why not make 'em my way? Cut up your taters as usual: Rinse well to get the juices off and pat dry on a towel. Then place into a bowl and drizzle a little bit of olive oil on, I can use 3 medium sized spuds and about 2 teaspoons of oil. Stir well to get everything coated with the oil.

Dump those slices onto a cookie sheet that is covered with parchment paper and bake at about 400°F until they smell so good you can't stand it anymore.

Especially good with ground rosemary sprinkled on before baking.

Most of the oil slides off the spuds and is left on the paper, what you have left is lovely crisp oven fries, yummy.

Warm hugs and woofs,
Maggie & MacTaggart


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