

2 cups All Bran cereal
1 cup white flour
5 cups whole wheat flour
3 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup molasses
2 pints brewed coffee, cold ( can use decaf )

Soak the All Bran in the coffee until mushy. Add remaining ingredients.

Put into greased loaf pans and bake 1 hour at 325° F, covered with foil.

This is an unusual, heavy, dark, brown bread. Not particularly sweet. You may have to acquire a taste for it. It sure helps "keep things moving"! It spoils quickly, so I generally slice it after it cools and freeze it, putting wax paper in between the slices. This is great with a slice of cheese, peanut butter and/or honey. They eat it with a Canadian Corn Syrup we call "Stroup". Unsure of the proper spelling. The label says "Roger's Golden Syrup, Sirop Diore".



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