The Hansel and Gretel Sandwich

The Hansel and Gretel Sandwich

Alright, I'll give up my special peanut butter sandwich concoction. Meant for kids...guaranteed to clog the adult eaters arteries!

3 slices of bread
Peanut butter
Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
  1. Spread 1 side of bread with peanut butter.
  2. Slice banana over top.
  3. Middle slice of bread, spread 1 side with peanut butter and one with chocolate hazelnut spread.
  4. Lay peanut butter side on top of bananas.
  5. Slice banana over top of chocolate hazelnut spread side.
  6. Spread 1 side of last piece of bread with chocolate hazelnut spread.
Butter the outside and grill.
Kids will think you're an angel!



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