Great Aunt Eunice's Graham Cracker Squares (with frosting)

In case there's anyone out there who hasn't yet OD'd on holiday sweets, here's something guaranteed to send you into a sugar coma. Don't say I didn't warn you. And yes, I really did have a Great Aunt Eunice. Not a cookie, more of a sweet, but a holiday tradition in my family. Cut 'em small, they'll make your teeth sing.

Great Aunt Eunice's Graham Cracker Squares (with frosting)

1/2 lb butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
36 squares Graham Cracker
1-1/2 cups mini marshmallows
1/2 cup nuts, chopped (optional)

Melt butter in top of a double boiler. Add sugar, then add the unbeaten egg - be careful; if the butter's too hot, the egg will poach on contact. (Ask me how I know this.) Stir continually but gently when you're adding the egg; you don't want to scramble it or poach it.

Cook 1/2 hour, stirring occasionally. You want the water in the lower part of the double boiler just simmering. If it gets too hot, the butter-sugar mixture will turn into cement on the sides of the pan, or worse, burn. Take off the stove and cool.

Crush the graham crackers. and add them to the cooled butter-sugar mixture. Stir in miniature marshmallows and if you like 'em, 1/2 cup of chopped nuts. I skip the nuts. You don't want the marshmallows to melt, so make sure the butter-sugar really is cool before you mix everything in. It'll be hard to stir, but keep at it til everything is evenly mixed. It will seem very dry and crumbly at this point, but don't worry. All that butter and sugar will hold it all together once it's refrigerated for a bit.

Press the whole thing into an 8" x 8" pan, or a 10" x 7" pan if you have one. Frost with buttercream frosting, and put into the fridge to harden before cutting, then let it warm up a bit to make it easier to cut.. Cut into 1" squares and eat.

1 cup confectioner's sugar
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp cream
1/4 tsp vanilla

Mix all ingredients together until completely blended and of a good consistency for frosting. You might need to add a little more cream.

The Scullerymaid, not responsible for resulting sugar-induced coma


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