Hummus (2 recipes)

Hummus (2 recipes)

Robin's Hummus
Very good, low fat.

1 big can Chickpeas (rinsed and drained)
2 Garlic cloves (chopped)
4 tbsp. Lemon juice
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
1 dash Paprika

Combine all ingredients in food processor. Puree or chop, depending on what consistency you want to get. You may need to add water (or more oil) to get it to process all the way through.

David's Hummus
Very good , not nearly low fat

3 cups garbanzo beans
several grinds of fresh black pepper
1 tbsp. (-ish) Sun dried Tomatoes with oil
1-1/2 tsp garlic (crushed)
4 tbsp. Tahini Paste
Juice of 1/2 a lemon

Combine all ingredients in food processor. Puree or chop, depending on what consistency you want to get. Add olive oil as needed to get the whole thing processed.

Lisa C.


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