Puerto Rican Herbal Lice Cure

Puerto Rican Herbal Lice Cure

I was reading my book on Puerto Rican herbal medicinal cures and there it was, too. (something tells me it's a sign!)

But anyway the herbal cure says:
Boil up the vines of Wild Balsam Apple (Sci name: Momordica charantia. Bot Fam: Cucurbitaceae) until the water turns dark green. Then use it as if it were a shampoo, but leave it on the persons head for a good 15-20 minutes. Kills the lice and its good for the scalp. Repeat in a week.

Who knows what Wild Balsam Apple is?

Sheri F.

Wild Balsam Apple, Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourd, Balsam Pear: Momordica Charantia
Common in FL. Search engine it.


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