BBQ Sauce (from Robin)

BBQ Sauce (from Robin)

Years ago I was given a BBQ sauce recipe by my sister. It was "invented" by a friend and is very unorthodox. It is tried and true and, in fact, when we owned and operated a restaurant, this is the
sauce that got rave reviews. Not your run of the mill BBQ sauce.sau

1 cup ketchup
1 cup soy sauce
1 cup double strength coffee. Yes, coffee
1 stick of butter melted
three cloves of garlic minced
1 tbsp sugar

Combine and use. It will keep forever in the fridge and is better after it's aged a bit.

It is wonderful on everything that we tried it on: pork, chicken, ribs (what we used it on in the restaurant) and some fish. Didn't try it on very many different kinds of fish as we aren't big fish eaters.

Robin S, spinner, weaver and shepherd
Border Collie Rescue - CA


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