Beef BBQ Sauce (from Princess Re and J Gayle)

Beef BBQ Sauce

My beef BBQ sauce may assault your sensibilities, but it tastes damned good. I have no measurements so will guess at what I dump in the pot.

2 cups ketchup (Heinz, the good stuff)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 to 1/2 cup worchestershire sauce
hot sauce, enough to make it interesting for your family

When I'm feeling fancy I saute onions and garlic (gobs) first then add the above.

Heat the batch up and there's your sauce.

Princess Re
Funny Farm


I use basically the same recipe, but change it a little:

2 tbsp of Wooster Sauce
1/4 to 1/2 cup light or dark corn syrup
1 tbsp mustard

Low simmer at least 30 minutes.

J. Gayle


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