Peanut Dipping Sauce for Beef Satay or Noodle Salad

Peanut Dipping Sauce for Beef Satay or Noodle Salad

This is my basic noodle sauce recipe, which was great on the beef satay.  It makes enough for a noodle salad as well as the beef.  Keeps in the fridge for about a week.

handful fresh cilantro
a 1" piece of ginger root, peeled
several cloves of garlic -- maybe 3 (in this recipe it is used raw, so don't go overboard)
1 cup natural style peanut butter,
     (do not use Skippy or Jiff or any processed brand- which are of the devil)
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 to 4 tbsp chili paste with garlic
     (I like Lee Kum Kee brand, adjust depending on how spicy you like it)
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp dark sesame oil
1/2  to 3/4 cup hot water, more or less

Process cilantro, ginger and garlic to make a paste.  Add PB, balsamic, brown sugar, soy sauce, chile paste, brown sugar, dark sesame oil.  Process. Pour water in -- just enough to make the sauce the consistency of thick cream.

Refrigerate until needed.  If making noodle salad, do not put on the noodles until just before serving (the pasta will otherwise absorb the sauce and the texture will be gummy and not good).



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