Chicken Soup for the Weary Soul

Chicken Soup for the Weary Soul

Get a pkg of chicken thighs. These are pretty yucky fried, but in chicken soup, they're wonderful! Pull off as much skin as you can.

Throw in crock pot with about 4 small cans of chicken broth (or 1 big 'un), a bunch of onion (the "already chopped and frozen" works great, with no tears!), some celery seed, salt and pepper, and cook overnight. This will make your house smell like a giant fart, but the end result is worth it, trust me.

After cooking all night (or just several hours, it doesn't have to be overnight), fish out the leg bones. I like the thighs for this because there's only one bone in each one, and when you have all 4 (or however many thighs you had) out, you don't have to worry about any more bones. Break up the meat. It should just fall right apart with stirring.

Taste soup, see if it needs adjusting, then throw in some pasta stars (or whatever shape you like. Our Kroger has stars, and I always use them. It reminds me of being a kid). When stars are done, eat it. It should thicken a little with the addition of the pasta.



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