Princess Re's Venison Stew

Princess Re's Venison Stew

Soak the deer meat in vinegar for at least 24 hrs.

Cut into cubes, throw into a crock pot (yours or borrowed, the venison doesn't care), add carrots, onions, celery, potatoes (cut vera, vera small, otherwise they won't cook)....add burgundy wine, some pepper, a bit 'o cayenne pepper, beef broth or those cubes (can't spell bouillon) and enough water to cover and set at high for one hour....turn down to low (there are only two settings) and dump in 1/4 cup oatmeal (this will thicken the mess eventually). Let it cook 8-10 hours.

Your best bet is now to dump it into something else, put in the refrigerate then reheat the next day.

Stew is never at it's best the first day. The gravy will be thick after the stew has cooled. The next day put the entire mess into the oven at 350ºF for about 45 minutes. It's wonderful, even though my recipe sounds like hell.

Yours in venison,
Princess Re
Home of the Funny Farm


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