Salmon with Fresh Herbs and Ginger

Salmon with Fresh Herbs and Ginger

0.67 lb. filet of salmon
2 tbsp grated fresh ginger root
1 tbsp low sodium tamari
juice of half a lemon
1 sprig cilantro
1 sprig thyme
1 basil leaf
4 tarragon leaves
1 puff Pam

On a glass dish stir together the ginger, tamari, lemon juice, and minced fresh herbs.  Set the fish (skin up) on the seasonings and let marinate for 30 minutes to an hour.

Spray the Pam in a non-stick frying pan and heat pan
until medium hot.

Set fish, flesh side down, in pan for 3 to 4 minutes.
Turn with a spatula and let cook on medium low until done (just a few more minutes).

Sylvia, whose husband is purring.


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